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Dan Chornous
Chief Investment Officer

The merger between RBC Asset Management and Phillips Hager North in 2008 that formed RBC Global Asset Management really propelled the firm forward. We moved from being a $100 billion mutual fund manufacturer to being by far the largest asset manager in Canada, with $200 billion of assets under management, we moved into the institutional business to pair with our mutual fund business, we vaulted ahead of our competitors domestically and really built critical mass or scale that could support the global ambitions of the firm.

Hanif Mamdani
Managing Director & Head of Alternative Investments

I think to bring on a team at PH&N that had a legacy of, success and expertise in fixed income markets, was a huge leap for the organization in terms of establishing RBC GAM as the leader. Now, in Canada, in fixed income.

Erick Zanker
Managing Director and Head PH&N Institutional

We have a very strong reputation. and as an organization, we're focused, we're deliberate, and we know that we need to stay ahead of the curve to maintain our position and deliver to our clients what they need. And so, to a question of how do we stay ahead of the markets?

How do we ensure that we're relevant? I think the answer is staying close to clients and maximizing your ability to put your vast resources toward solving their problems.