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With colleagues in Toronto and London, UK, the Global Fixed Income and Currencies Team manages fixed-income assets around the world. Using a proven investment process and a robust risk-management culture, the team invests in global bond and currency markets. They aim to build portfolios that consistently add value for investors over the long term.

  • We are an active manager with a long-term investment horizon, aiming to consistently beat our benchmarks.
  • We invest globally, offering a diverse set of opportunities.
  • We aim to deliver alpha through smart portfolio construction, tactical asset allocation, security selection, as well as currency and interest-rate management.
  • We de-emphasize forecasting as an investment tool in favour of building portfolios that are likely to be resilient in a range of economic and market scenarios.
  • We ensure that risks taken are proportional to the opportunities available.
  • We rely on intensive fundamental analysis, leveraging the depth and breadth of our expertise across government debt, investment-grade and high-yield corporate bond, emerging-market bond, and currency markets.
  • We evaluate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks as part of our investment process.
  • We believe that hedging currency risk is essential for owners of global investment-grade bonds.
  • We emphasize teamwork, ensuring continuity in the event of manager turnover.

Multi-layered approach

We rely on a multi-layered approach that is methodical, consistent and empirical.

Top down perspective

We consider global fiscal & monetary conditions in relation to regional economic growth & inflation projections.

Bottom up security selection

The relative value of individual securities is assessed by a team of Portfolio Managers and Credit analysts who incorporate in depth industry/sector analysis.

Opportunistic credit use

We tactically manage allocations to various credit markets such as high yield and emerging market debt in line with risk/reward opportunities available.

Scenario Analysis

Rather than building portfolios for a single forecast, we analyse the results of multiple scenarios and compare their outcomes to calibrate the risk-return profiles for our funds.

Foreign Exchange

We manage foreign-currency risk by hedging passive currency exposures back into Canadian dollars, and actively managing overlay positions to enhance returns.

Extended time horizon

We evaluate market opportunities for an 18-36 month time horizon which allows us to take advantage of market volatility.

Multiple strategies

bracket lines flowing down

Tactical asset allocation

  • Gov't vs. credit
  • HY, EM Sov
  • EM Corp
  • Preferred bonds
  • Provincials
  • EMFX

Interest rates

  • Duration
  • Yield curve
  • Regional allocation
  • X-country trade
  • Inflation-linked bonds


  • Sector
  • Quality
  • Credit curve
  • Security selection


  • Hedging
  • Dynamic hedging
  • Overlay
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Funds we manage (30)

Setting a higher standard

Explore how RBC GAM’s commitment to continuous improvement has shaped our evolution as a global asset manager

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Please consult your advisor and read the prospectus or Fund Facts document before investing. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. RBC Funds, BlueBay Funds and PH&N Funds are offered by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and distributed through authorized dealers.

Certain fund products do not integrate ESG factors, including but not limited to money market funds, index funds and certain third-party sub-advised funds. Please read a fund's prospectus or offering memorandum for further details.