RBC Select Choices Portfolios combine a carefully selected suite of mutual funds from multiple managers into four different portfolios. Each draws on the broad expertise of renowned money managers and is overseen by RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM).
Effective diversification reduces volatility and increases potential returns
RBC Select Choices Portfolios diversify across different asset classes, geographic regions, sectors, company market capitalization, investment styles and money managers. This can help reduce downside risk and stabilize long-term returns.
A disciplined process saves you time and effort
Our Mutual Fund Research group evaluates and assesses mutual fund managers, and selects a roster of complementary funds for inclusion in RBC Select Choices Portfolios. This saves you considerable time and effort.
Expert and experienced oversight helps position you for long-term success
Based on an extensive analysis of the global economy, capital markets, currencies and sectors, the RBC GAM Investment Strategy Committee (RISC) – a team of senior investment experts from across RBC GAM – sets the asset mix for each of the RBC Select Choices Portfolios. This approach strives to take advantage of short-term market opportunities while helping to position you for long-term success.
Easy access to professional investment management
For an initial investment of as little as $500, you get access to varied investment management approaches of respected fund managers at leading mutual fund companies.
Regular monitoring and rebalancing keep your portfolio on track
Underlying funds are regularly monitored and actively rebalanced to mitigate the risk of portfolio drift and keep you on track to reach your investment goals.
With four distinct portfolios, it’s easy to find the one that meets your investment goals based on your investor profile.
To learn more about RBC Select Choices Portfolios, speak to an advisor.