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RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited ("BlackRock Canada").

Investing in specific factors may help investors reach their goals by helping to reduce portfolio volatility or improve returns. Factors are the persistent and well-documented asset characteristics that have historically driven investment risk and return. A common way to access factors is through rules-based ETFs.

Watch time: 5 minutes 12 seconds

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We highlight five factors – value, quality, momentum, size, and minimum volatility – that have shown to be resilient across time, markets, asset classes, and have a strong economic rationale.1

Minimum Volatility
Minimum volatility investing seeks to build a portfolio of stocks that exhibits less variability than the broad market. It aims to provide investors with a smoother ride within equity allocations by creating a portfolio that exhibits less swings — up or down — than the market.
Quality investing strategies look for stocks that have higher quality earnings. That means that we’re looking for stocks that are profitable, have low leverage, and demonstrate consistent earnings over time. Quality has traditionally outperformed the broad market during periods of high volatility.2
The size factor focuses on smaller, more nimble companies. Smaller companies may be more nimble, and can potentially more easily adjust and identify new investment opportunities in the marketplace. Smaller size companies have tended to perform well in the early stages of an economic upswing.3
Momentum investing is concerned with stocks that are trending in a particular direction. Sometimes investors are irrationally exuberant or incomprehensibly dour. The strategy tends to work best in trending markets.4
Select stocks that are lower cost relative to their peers after controlling for fundamentals. Cheapness does not necessarily stand for upside potential –sometimes a stock or even a sector remains cheap for a reason. Value has tended to perform well in periods of growth or risk-on environments.5
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1. Fama, Eugene F & French, Kenneth R, 1992. "The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 47(2), pages 427-465, June.
Novy - Marx, Robert, “The Other Side of Value: The Gross Profitability Premium , ” Journal of Financial Economics, 108(1) , 1 - 28, 2013.
Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman, “Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency”, Journal of Finance, March 1993.
Banz, Rolf W., 1981. "The relationship between return and market value of common stocks," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 9(1), pages 3-18, March.
Ang, A., R. H. Hodrick, Y. Xing, and X. Zhang, 2006. The Cross Section of Volatility and Expected Returns, Journal of Finance 61, 259-299.

2. MSCI - "Flight to Quality" by Lim, Hung, Chia, Barman, and Muthrukrishnan (September 2015).

3. "Factor Timing with Cross-Sectional and Time-Series Predictors" by Hodges, Hogan, Peterson, and Ang (2017).

4. MSCI - "Riding on Momentum" by Gupta, Balint, Jain, and Melas (December 2015).

5. MSCI - "Finding Value" by Rao, Subramanian, Gupta, and Kassam (July 2015).

RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited ("BlackRock Canada").

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Harnessing the power of factors - Factor ETFs | RBC iShares

Harnessing the power of factors

What is factor investing?