Our approach to responsible investment
Our clients have entrusted us to help them secure a better financial future for themselves or for the beneficiaries of the funds they manage. Through responsible investment, we are better equipped to enhance the long-term, risk-adjusted performance of our portfolios.
We take specific actions under each of these three pillars to deliver on our duty of maximizing our clients’ investment returns without undue risk of loss.
ESG integration
Active stewardship
Client-driven solutions and reporting
Our portfolio managers evaluate material ESG factors, such as the ones listed below, when making investment-related decisions.
- Air and water pollution
- Climate change
- Natural resource management and use
- Data privacy and security
- Gender and diversity
- Labour practices
- Board structure and independence
- Executive compensation
- Shareholder rights
Activity disclosures, research and insights
Providing responsible investment solutions
While many of our products incorporate responsible investment through ESG integration, we also offer funds that apply ESG screening and exclusion based on a defined set of ESG-related criteria.1
ESG integration
Systematically incorporating material ESG factors into investment decision making to identify potential risks and opportunities and improve long-term, risk-adjusted returns.
Talk to your advisor about ESG-related investment products.
ESG screening and thematic investing
ESG screening applies positive or negative screens to include/exclude securities from a portfolio. Thematic investing focuses on issuers with involvement in a particular ESG-related theme.
Learn about our RBC Vision Funds
Explore our RBC iShares ESG ETFs
This webpage and embedded links include information related to RBC GAM’s approach to responsible investment, which do not apply to certain funds, investment strategies, asset classes, exposure or security types that do not integrate ESG factors. Examples of what would not integrate ESG factors include, but are not limited to, money market, buy and maintain, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised funds/strategies or certain currency or derivative instruments. ESG factors are considered by our investment teams to varying degrees and weights, depending on the investment team’s assessment of that ESG factor’s potential impact on the risk-adjusted, long-term performance of the security and/or the fund. For funds where ESG factors do not form a part of their investment objective, ESG factors are generally not likely to drive investment decisions on their own, and in some cases, may not impact an investment decision at all. RBC GAM has a general approach to active stewardship, proxy voting, and engagement that address ESG matters among other matters. References to active stewardship do not apply to certain investment strategies where proxy voting and/or engagement are not used. Examples of what would not conduct certain active stewardship activities include, but are not limited to, quantitative investment strategies that do not conduct engagements, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised strategies. RBC GAM does not manage proxy voting for certain third-party sub-advised strategies. For clarity, RBC Indigo Asset Management Inc. and its fund products are not covered by the information presented on this webpage, unless otherwise indicated.
Learn more about our Responsible Investment team