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ETFs are a flexible investment vehicle that can be used within a portfolio to achieve a variety of needs and objectives.

Similar to a mutual fund, ETFs can provide access to a diversified portfolio of stocks or bonds in a single investment, but can be traded like a stock on an exchange.

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An ETF, or exchange traded fund, is a group of diverse assets that trades on the stock exchange as a unit. Imagine a set of building blocks. Each block is a piece in and of itself. But if you group them together, they create a structure or an ETF. An ETF is made up of several diversified building blocks, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities.


ETFs are characterized for being diversified. They contain a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, and commodities.


You can see the underlying investments contained within each ETF.


ETFs provide access to markets and industries worldwide.


ETFs operate similarly to stocks. They can be traded as long as the exchange where they are traded is open, and their price adjusts throughout the day.

The first ETF was created in Canada in 1990 and sought to closely match the performance of the Toronto Stock Exchange. The industry has since evolved to track all the major investment categories, sub-categories, industries and sectors, providing investors the ability to use them in multiple ways within a portfolio.


ETFs can provide exposure to various asset classes such as equities or fixed income and a broad range of sectors and geographic regions including commodities or emerging markets.


With ETFs, investors know exactly what they are investing in with daily visibility into what securities the fund holds, how it’s performing and what it costs.


ETFs can be bought and sold on an exchange at market price whenever the market is open.


Management fees for ETFs are generally lower than other investment solutions, particularly for funds that investors plan to hold for the long term. As with all investment vehicles, investors who are interested in including ETFs in their portfolio mix should ensure it fits their overall investment strategy.

For more information about ETF investing, visit our ETF Learning Centre.

How can we help?

RBC iShares offers an unparalleled breadth of ETF solutions, a commitment to exceptional service and top investment expertise located around the world.

Advisors: Contact your dedicated sales team and access portfolio resources – Login here.

Investors: Contact your financial advisor to discuss which investments may be right for you.


Last reviewed: January 1, 2023

Les FNB RBC iShares comprennent des FNB RBC gérés par RBC Gestion mondiale d’actifs Inc. et des FNB iShares gérés par Gestion d’actifs BlackRock Canada Limitée. Les placements dans des fonds négociés en bourse (FNB) peuvent entraîner des commissions, des frais de suivi ainsi que des frais et dépenses de gestion. Veuillez lire le prospectus pertinent avant d’investir. Les FNB ne sont pas garantis, leur valeur fluctue souvent et leurs rendements antérieurs ne se répètent pas nécessairement. Les décisions concernant la fiscalité, les placements ou d’autres matières devraient seulement être prises, le cas échéant, à la lumière des conseils d’un professionnel qualifié.

L’information et les opinions figurant dans les présentes sont transmises à titre indicatif seulement et ne devraient pas être le fondement de vos décisions de placement.

The links in the footer under the heading “Investor Information” below relate to RBC Global Asset Management Inc. For information about BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited and its affiliates, please visit www.blackrock.com/ca.