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Personally invested

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Habib Subjally
Senior Portfolio Manager & Head of Global Equities
RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

Habib Subjally:
At the end of the day, we are entrusted with people’s savings. Savings for their own retirement or for future generations. And, if we do a good job, they have a better retirement, or future generations have more. I mean it really is as simple as that.

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Dagmara Fijalkowski
Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager,
Head of Global Fixed Income and Currencies
RBC Global Asset Management
(Toronto, Canada & London, UK)

Dagmara Fijalkowski:
I don’t think about the big blob of money, the $55 billion dollars. I feel the responsibility more in respect to the individual investor. So, it’s not one investor with $55 billion dollars, it’s more like, a person that is saving for their retirement or somebody saving for potentially a down payment or their school education, or for all their life needs.

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Scott Lysakowski
Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of Canadian Equities,
Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management

Scott Lysakowski:
Well, the one thing I’m often reminded of and I keep it sort of front of mind is that it’s not my money. You know, I do invest in our funds personally but the $10 billion dollars is not mine, it’s the collective savings and retirement plans for pension funds, individuals. It’s our job, as fiduciaries, to look after their hard-earned savings and grow it, and help them achieve their dreams, their goals. Probably the two most difficult unitholders we have would be my wife and my father-in-law. So, when you’re sitting down at Thanksgiving dinner you want to make sure that things have been going smoothly.

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Sarah Riopelle
Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions
RBC Global Asset Management

Sarah Riopelle:
$100 billion dollars is a significant portion of the firm’s assets. I take it very personally. I think about it every day, I think about all the people that we manage money for and we take care of the investments of over a million different families in Canada. In that is myself, so my own retirement investments, my husband’s, my children’s education money is in there. I have an uncle and a neighbour and a cousin. So, I have a lot of personal attachment to the funds that I manage.

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Stephen Burke
Vice President, Fixed Income
RBC Global Asset Management

Stephen Burke:
We feel the responsibility to the individual clients. This is your mother-in-law, this is your cousin, this is your uncle, this is your friend from across the street. And this is a big deal because this is their life savings. There’s nothing more serious than your mother-in-law’s life savings.

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Mike Lee
Chief Executive Officer, President & Chief Investment Officer
RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

Mike Lee:
I truly believe, although it can sound like a cliché, that we really do start with a single-minded focus on our client.

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Damon Williams
Chief Executive Officer
RBC Global Asset Management

Damon Williams:
I think it’s our purpose. I really believe that what we’re doing at this firm creates good for our clients and creates good for our community if we do it right, if we help our clients achieve their financial objectives. We help families save for their houses, we help children save for their education. Those are things I think we can all be proud of.

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