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Advisor resources - login Fund documents Analyze investments



Risk rating
  • Low
  • Low to med
  • Med
  • Med to high
  • High
Management fee %
{{ fundManagementFees }}
{{ fundMER }}
CA Maximum Annual Other Expenses %
{{ fundOtherFees }}
{{ fundAssets }}
{{ pricesAsOf }}
Units outstanding
{{ fundUnitsOutstanding }}
{{ pricesAsOf }}
Income distribution
{{ fundIncomeDistribution }}
Capital gains distribution
{{ fundCapitalGainsDistribution }}
Fund category
{{ fundCategory }}
Inception date
{{ inceptionDate }}


Distributions ($)/unit

As of {{ distributionsAsOf }}
{{ item.year }}*
Interest {{ displayNumber(item.interest, 2) }}
Canadian dividends {{ displayNumber(item.dividends, 2) }}
Foreign dividends {{ displayNumber(item.foreignDividends, 2) }}
Foreign taxes paid {{ displayNumber(item.foreignTaxesPaid, 2) }}
Capital gains {{ displayNumber(item.capitalGains, 2) }}
Return of capital {{ displayNumber(item.returnCapital, 2) }}
Total distributions {{ displayNumber(item.total, 2) }}

* Distributions are characterized into income type at year-end.

Period Ex-Dividend Record date Pay date Cash distr. Re-invested distr. Total distr.††
{{ row.period }} {{ row.exDivDate }} {{ row.recordDate }} {{ row.payDate }} {{ formatNumber(row.cashDistr, 3) }} {{ !etfTypeIshare ? formatNumber(row.reInvDistr, 3) : (row.reInvDistr === 0 ? (language === 'fr' ? '0,000' : '0.000') : row.reInvDistr.toFixed(3)) }} {{ formatNumber(row.totalDistr, 3) }}
{{ distributionsScheduleTotalText }} {{ formatNumber(filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.cashDistr, 3) }} {{ filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.reInvDistr === 0 ? formatNumber(0, 3) : filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.reInvDistr < 1 ? formatNumber(filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.reInvDistr, 3) : formatNumber(filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.reInvDistr, 3) }} {{ formatNumber(filteredDistributionsScheduleTotals.total, 3) }}

† Distributions by the Fund that are not paid in cash but result in additional units of the Fund. These distributions should be accounted for by investors for tax purposes by adding the distribution amount to the adjusted cost base of the units held.

†† The exact tax treatment of the distributions for a calendar year is calculated after the Fund's tax year-end. As a result, investors will receive an official tax statement from their broker detailing the type of income they have to report for tax purposes for the entire year and not for each distribution.

Portfolio analysis

Sustainability characteristics

To be included in MSCI ESG Fund Ratings, 65% of the fund’s gross weight must come from securities covered by MSCI ESG Research (certain cash positions and other asset types deemed not relevant for ESG analysis by MSCI are removed prior to calculating a fund’s gross weight; the absolute values of short positions are included but treated as uncovered), the fund’s holdings date must be less than one year old, and the fund must have at least ten securities. For newly launched funds, sustainability characteristics are typically available 6 months after launch. MSCI Ratings are currently unavailable for this fund.


As of {{ characteristicsAsOf }}


{{ item.text }} as of {{ item.asof }} {{ item.fund }} {{ item.benchmark }}