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Advisor resources - login Fund documents Analyze investments



Risk rating
  • Low
  • Low to med
  • Med
  • Med to high
  • High
Management fee %
{{ fundManagementFees }}
{{ fundMER }}
CA Maximum Annual Other Expenses %
{{ fundOtherFees }}
{{ fundAssets }}
{{ pricesAsOf }}
Units outstanding
{{ fundUnitsOutstanding }}
{{ pricesAsOf }}
Income distribution
{{ fundIncomeDistribution }}
Capital gains distribution
{{ fundCapitalGainsDistribution }}
Fund category
{{ fundCategory }}
Inception date
{{ inceptionDate }}


Distributions ($)/unit

As of {{ distributionsAsOf }}
{{ item.year }}*
Interest {{ displayNumber(item.interest, 2) }}
Canadian dividends {{ displayNumber(item.dividends, 2) }}
Foreign dividends {{ displayNumber(item.foreignDividends, 2) }}
Foreign taxes paid {{ displayNumber(item.foreignTaxesPaid, 2) }}
Capital gains {{ displayNumber(item.capitalGains, 2) }}
Return of capital {{ displayNumber(item.returnCapital, 2) }}
Total distributions {{ displayNumber(item.total, 2) }}

* Distributions are characterized into income type at year-end.